
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just being a boy

So our son Kacen has learned to puff his chest out put his nose in the air and walk around the house. Then when he gets to his destination he puts his arms by his side and flexes every muscle in his body like he is becoming the incredible hulk or something. I have no idea where he learned this but its the cutest thing in the world!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kacen Turned one!

Kacen's birthday morning was full of balloons all throughout the house. He absolutely loved it!  After playing with all the balloons Kacen had a party to attend! Outer Limits was filled with the thing Kacen loves most "KIDS" (besides his mother of course)! I was so excited for Kacen to see his birthday cake. I had Elmo special ordered from cake creations by Paula Ames and it was everything I hoped for! Elmo was as big as Kacen and the cake tasted amazing!